Southeastern San Diego

Southeastern San DiegoBackground
Mt. Hope and Chollas View are two contiguous neighborhoods located in Southeastern San Diego where residents want to improve healthy eating, safety and physical activity opportunities. This community is predominantly a low-density residential community with more dense residential projects, commercial and industrial uses located near major streets. The boundaries are the 94 freeway on the north; Imperial Avenue on the south; the 15 freeway on the west and Euclid Ave on the East. Approximately 2,500 people live in these neighborhoods of Southeastern San Diego.

Additional information about the target population is as follows:

  • There are four public schools and a charter school in the area – all are lower performing schools
  • The median income in the area is $24,856 compared to $45,733 (City of San Diego)
  • The targeted neighborhoods are located in an enterprise zone and redevelopment zone which indicates that it is economically disadvantaged area.
  • A large number of residents are single parents who support themselves and their children on a low income. High proportions are female heads of household. Most have a high school education or lower, and most rent their homes.
  • The area is home to youth gangs from the Mexican, African American and Asian ethnic groups.

A farmers’ market in Chollas View on Euclid Avenue began in December 2010, and a community garden in Mt. Hope was launched in 2011 on land leased by the Redevelopment Agency – Southeast Development Corporation to Project New Village.

Schools are poised to participate in activities at the community garden and farmers’ market, and service providers and resident alike believe that this represents the beginnings of a new era of revitalization in Southeastern San Diego neighborhoods.

Collective Vision
We envision a southeastern San Diego community that is growing food, families, and fairness to sustain a healthy life style.

Community Improvement Projects

  1. Establish Community Gardens in Mt. Hope and Encanto neighborhoods, and acquire certified growers certifications at both sides
    Current Status – RLA participants conducted door to door canvassing in both Mt. Hope and Encanto to generate community interest to support the gardens projects. RLA participants also conducted outreach promotions to stimulate awareness for the community gardens projects: (1) Honey Fest  at Balboa Park (1/15) and CET Health Fair  in Mt Hope (1/20); (2) Conducted a neighborhood meeting (Encanto area); (3) Established a date for the first neighborhood meeting in Encanto-Feb 9th
  2. Enhance and expand Farmer’s Market operations (e.g. Market Box concept)
    Current Status – RLA participants conducted door to door canvassing in both Mt. Hope and Encanto neighborhoods regarding the farmers market. RLA participants also conducted a presentation about their community campaigns at Fulton Elementary school and developed an alliance with the faith community to promote the farmers market (Trena Bennett, congregation representative). RLA participants continue to search for 1-2 additional farmers
  3. Improve traffic safety and walkability at the 94 Freeway exit and Euclid Avenue
    Current Status – RLA participants attended a planning meeting for the new Trolley station near the concern area (94 freeway & Euclid) to advocate for pedestrian and traffic safety concerns.RLA participants also  conducted a community meeting at the farmers’ market to get more community support on making improvements at the 94 freeway & Euclid exit off ramp.


  • Bonnie Bolden
  • April Flakes
  • Pedro V. Diaz
  • Glenda Gates
  • Trena Bennett
  • Paul Gresock
  • Tiffany Harrison
  • Antionio Ibarra
  • Menuhati Kemma’atah
  • Michelle Price
  • Irma T. Timmons

Current Status of Graduates
The Resident Leadership Academy in Southeastern San Diego has convened 7 coordination meetings post RLAs completion in November 2011.  The group has established a Yahoo group for intra-communications; and re-named themselves the Southeastern Community Collective (SCC) which signifies an ongoing commitment to working together beyond the grant period on the community improvement projects.